MiiWrap Coach Certification

Getting Certified as a Coach

Every evidence-based practice including MiiWrap has a process of certification. Certification is a systematic and sequential process of learning and demonstrating the key skills and processes for the role. To Coach MiiWrap and to use the MiiWrap eLearning curriculum the applicant must demonstrate the skills to do the MiiWrap staff job, the skills to do coaching for that position, inter-rater reliability to score and certify the staff position they are coaching, and effective use of the eLearning curriculum.  Certification is done to promote consistency of an evidence-based practice, to prevent practice drift across time, and to document staff competency. Certification always involves both training and coaching.

There are five steps in becoming a certified MiiWrap Coach. Staff who are currently certified as VVDB wraparound coaches will receive credit for completing steps 2 and 3 and will need to do steps 1, 4 and 5

  1. First you complete the eLearning course
  2. Complete the Coach Training (four-day live training which includes item 4 or 6 virtual sessions)
  3. Complete coach certification process by demonstrating the skills to coach staff
  4. Complete a four-session course in using the Learning Management System
  5. Coach two students or a group of students through the eLearning under supervision

Certification by Vroon VDB

Why certification? Most of the people that you would hire to do skilled work of any kind are certified. Your dentist, your doctor, your plumber, and your accountant are all certified by their respective professional boards. Certification is a systematic and sequential process of learning key skills and action steps and being able to demonstrate one’s ability to perform them. As consumers, we know that someone who is certified has proved their competency in their field. Every evidence-based practice, including MiiWrap, has a process of certification. Certification is done to promote consistency of an evidence-based practice, to prevent practice drift across time, and to document staff competency. Certification is always supported by both training and coaching.

We know that maintaining high fidelity MiiWrap is key to providing quality MiiWrap and producing good outcomes for families. An essential part of providing high fidelity MiiWrap is having certifying all MiiWrap professionals. Research has shown that certification leads to more effective MiiWrap, which leads to better outcomes for families. Vroon VDB developed the first MiiWrap certification for the key jobs of MiiWrap.

At Vroon VDB our certification process is unique because it is based on demonstrating the skills for MiiWrap by actually doing MiiWrap with youth and families.  We defined the skills for MiiWrap certification for each position (MiiWrap Facilitator, Support Partner, MiiWrap Coach, and MiiWrap Process Mentor) based on the Mindset, relational communication skills, behavioral change communication skills and behavior change activities that make up the components of high fidelity MiiWrap.

Having certified professionals filling all your MiiWrap roles is critical to creating a locally self-sustaining MiiWrap system. We offer certifications for MiiWrap Facilitators, Family and Youth Support Partners, MiiWrap Facilitator Coaches, Family and Youth Support Partner Coaches, Supervisors, and MiiWrap Process Mentors.

Building a locally self-sustaining system

In MiiWrap, we certify individual staff, not overall programs. Each staff person is accountable for maintaining the fidelity of the process by learning to do their role effectively. However, agencies who believe in high fidelity MiiWrap can use these individual certifications to build a locally self-sustaining system. Your goal is to create a high quality, high fidelity MiiWrap program that evolves to meet the needs of the community while providing the best possible outcomes for families.  And to do this in a way that doesn’t require outside consulting and training companies to come in every year.  The Vroon VDB certification process is designed with the same goal in mind.

Types of certification

Coaching & Supervising MiiWrap – The 4-day coach and supervisor training introduces experienced Wraparound and MiiWrap staff and supervisors to the details of effective coaching and supervision for facilitators and family support partners in the implementation of high fidelity MiiWrap. The curriculum focuses on a competency-based process for supporting these staff to provide fidelity MiiWrap as quickly as possible. The curriculum has six primary sections:

The first section provides an overview and defines the important enhancements added as the resulted of integrating Wraparound and Motivational Interviewing into MiiWrap

The second section examines the role of the coach and strategies to increase staff engagement and motivation through coaching

The third section examines the process of effectively training and teaching staff the MiiWrap process and includes strategies for teaching staff new to the process and enhancing the skills of staff already providing high fidelity wraparound. This section addresses strategies for training and concurrent strategies for shifting the Mindset of staff toward consistent use of Compassion, Empathy, Acceptance and Evocation.  Sample training materials are provided

The fourth section includes specific strategies for hands-on learning experiences including shadowing, behavioral rehearsal, live coaching, and consultation.

The fifth section provides strategies for creating and improving a group learning environment including group coaching, forming a learning organization and peer to peer learning.

The final section teaches the student coach skills for supporting staff development and doing the credentialing and certification process for MiiWrap staff.

MiiWrap Process Mentors – The Vroon VDB Process Mentor (WPM) is a certified professional who has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to motivate and support staff, agencies and communities to implement and continually improve the Wraparound/MiiWrap process and related systems of care issues. The WPM is engaged by a “client” to assist them to improve some aspect of MiiWrap defined by the “client”. The WPM supports staff, agencies, and communities as a consultant, coach and a catalyst to change through a process that mirrors MiiWrap. The WPM is ethical, holds a deep belief in the fidelity of the MiiWrap process, and prioritizes actions based on the best interests of the youth and families served.

The WPM role and certification process are defined in terms of 12 WPM functions including: training, coaching, and certifying MiiWrap staff, coaches, and supervisors, consulting with MiiWrap agencies about the necessary conditions, funding, and supports to implement and sustain high fidelity MiiWrap. The WPM supports community based MiiWrap by helping staff and agencies build collaboration and systems of care. The WPM supports continuous quality improvement in development of MiiWrap learning organizations, continuous quality improvement systems. The training and certification process for the WPM is defined in terms of the twelve functions for the position. This four-day training will address all 12 of those functions.

This new MIIWrap WPM training is an enjoyable, highly interactive training, for currently certified High-Fidelity Wraparound or MiiWrap Coaches (or experienced coaches with Vroon VDB permission). Located in one of the most beautiful training facilities in the US, the training is a “must” for any community wanting to completely manage their own certification, independent of consultants or outside organizations.

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